History of Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna)

History of Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna)
During the early seventeenth century, reports from missionaries and explorers in southern Africa described how the Khoikhoi, an indigenous tribe native to the region, also known colloquially as Hottentots to white colonists, would chew, sniff or smoke an inebriant...

MAO Inhibitor Recipe – Simplified

MAO Inhibitor Recipe – Simplified
3 grams of Syrian Rue seeds per serving 
Lemon juice (or other form of acetic acid) SIMPLE EXTRACTION METHOD 1. Grind whatever amount of Syrian Rue you want to as fine a powder as possible, according to the formula above. 2.    Place the powder into...

Macropiper Excelsum – Maori Kava

Macropiper Excelsum – Maori Kava
-By Michael P. Bock When the Maori first settled in New Zealand (Aotearoa) from Polynesia in the north-east almost 800 years ago (the Maori navigator Kupe first visited Aotearoa approximately 1000 years ago), they gave Polynesian names to local plants and animals that...

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
What are MAOIs? MAOI stands for monoamine oxidase inhibitor.  In order to understand what an MAOI is, we must first understand what monoamine oxidase (MAO) is.  MAO is an enzyme which oxidizes, thereby breaking down, certain compounds to prevent them from reaching...

How to Germinate Seeds

How to Germinate Seeds
-By Alchemy Works Seeds & Herbs Storing seeds: Store seeds in a small covered glass jar in the refrigerator. Keep them dry. One way to ensure dryness is to use a silica gel pack, which you can get from craft stores. You can also use a tablespoon or so of instant...