Marijuana Causes AND Prevents Pregnancy!

Marijuana Causes AND Prevents Pregnancy!
Anywhere you look in the news, you see the demonization and conflicting information surrounding marijuana. For example, “high concentrations of human waste are left behind by smugglers, who come to the U.S. to care for the crops. This impacts wildlife,...

Get Ready for PATRIOT ACT II

Get Ready for PATRIOT ACT II
Matt Welch wrote in 2003 that “the ‘fog of war’ obscures more than just news from the battlefield. It also provides cover for radical domestic legislation, especially ill-considered liberty-for-security swaps, which have been historically popular at the onset of major...

Erythrina berteroana – Pito Coral Tree

Erythrina berteroana – Pito Coral Tree
FAMILY: Leguminosae GENUS: Erythrina SPECIES: Berteroana COMMON NAMES: Aposhi, Chilicote, Colorin, Coral Bean, K’ante (Lacandon, ‘yellow tree’), Peonia, Pito Coral Tree, Tzinacancuahuitl (Aztec) Erythrina berteroana is a shrub-like tree that may grow...

Alchornea floribunda – Alan Root

Alchornea floribunda – Alan Root
FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae GENUS: Alchornea SPECIES: Floribunda, Cordifolia COMMON NAMES: Christmas Bush, Tekei, Agyama, Mbom, Diangba, Alan, Elando, Mulolongu, Kai, Sumara Fida, Iporuru Alchornea floribunda is a small evergreen that can grow up to 32 feet tall.  The...

Datura stramonium – Common Thorn Apple

Datura stramonium – Common Thorn Apple
FAMILY: Solanaceae GENUS: Datura SPECIES: Stramonium COMMON NAMES: Ama:y’uhc (Mixe, ‘dangerous plant’), Apple Of Peru, Chamico (Quechua), Common Thorn Apple, Concombre Zombi (Caribic, ‘zombie cucumber’), Devil’s Apple, Devil’s...