Veratrum album – White Hellebore

Veratrum album – White Hellebore
FAMILY: Liliaceae GENUS: Veratrum SPECIES: Album COMMON NAMES: White Hellebore, Elabro Bianco (Italian), False Hellebore, Gonos Aetou (Greek, ‘eagle’s chest or ‘summer bird child’), Kundush (Persian), Lagnion (Gaulish, ‘physician...

Verbena officinalis – Vervain

Verbena officinalis – Vervain
FAMILY: Verbenaceae GENUS: Verbena SPECIES: Officinalis COMMON NAMES: Verbena, Verbenaca, Vervain, Veneris Herba, Herba Sacra, Holy Wort, Druid’s Weed, Enchanter’s Plant, Juno’s Tears, Brittanica, Pigeon’s Grass, Pigeonwood, Simpler’s...

Virola theiodora – Cumala Tree

Virola theiodora – Cumala Tree
FAMILY: Myristicaceae GENUS: Virola SPECIES: Theiodora COMMON NAMES: Cumala Tree, Parika, Yakohana Most, if not all, species of Virola have a copious red “resin” in the inner bark. The resin of a number of species is prepared as an hallucinogenic snuff or...

Vitis vinifera – Wine Grape

Vitis vinifera – Wine Grape
FAMILY: VitaceaeGENUS: VitisSPECIES: ViniferaCOMMON NAMES: Angur (Hindi), Draksha (Sanskrit), Grape, Grapevine, Gvid (Celtic, ‘bush’), ‘inab (Iraq), Khamr (Arabic), Palmes, Reba, Vitis Sativa (Latin), Weinranke, Zame Weinreben Vitis vinifera is a...

Voacanga africana – Voacanga

Voacanga africana – Voacanga
FAMILY: Apocynaceae GENUS: Voacanga SPECIES: Africana, Bracteata, Dregei, Grandiflora COMMON NAMES: Voacanga The various species of the Voacanga genus are evergreen trees.  They grow to a height of 6 m with a spread of 2 m, but are usually kept smaller in cultivation....

What Kratom Is and Is Not

What Kratom Is and Is Not
Kratom has recently been mis-categorized as a “synthetic” and a “synthetic street drug”.  It absolutely is not; Kratom is a 100% natural plant and herbal supplement that has been used safely for thousands of years.  There is also a growing body of clinical studies...