Duboisia hopwoodii – Pituri Bush

Duboisia hopwoodii – Pituri Bush
FAMILY: Solanaceae GENUS: Duboisia SPECIES: Hopwoodii COMMON NAMES: Pituri Bush, Bedgerie, Camel Poison, Emu Plant, Pitchiri, Poison Bush Image credit: Herbalistics Duboisia hopwoodii is an evergreen shrub with woody stems that can grow up to three meters in height....

Mandragora officinarum – Mandrake

Mandragora officinarum – Mandrake
FAMILY: SolanaceaeGENUS: Mandragora SPECIES: Officinarum COMMON NAMES: Abu’l-ruh (Old Arabic, “master of the life breath”), Adamova Golowa (Russian, “Adam’s head”), Alrauinwortel (Dutch), Alrune (Swedish), Antimelon (“In The...

Rivea corymbosa – Ololiuqui

Rivea corymbosa – Ololiuqui
FAMILY: Convolvulaceae GENUS: Rivea/rivea SPECIES: Corymbosa COMMON NAMES: Aguinaldo (Cuba), Badoh (Zapotec), Badoh Blanco (‘white badoh’), Bejuco de San Pedro (‘vine of St. Peter’), Coatlxihuitl (Aztec, ‘snake plant’),...