Scientifically-Proven Religious Experiences?

Practically blasphemy to mainstream religions, world governments, and the mainstream population is the idea that psychedelics could have the undeniably and scientifically-measurable effect of inducing religious experiences.

Drugs: More Than Chemical Reactions

The growing body of evidence (albeit circumstantial) that points to what I feel is the most profound aspect of how science itself is revealing an inescapable fact: Mystical experiences, whether naturally or chemically induced, have tangible effects that reach far beyond temporary chemical reactions acting on our neural pathways through the bombardment or deprivation of normal channels of communication within the brain and central nervous system.

Kava Kava Dosage Guide

What is a usual and safe Kava Kava dosage? We answer that question in detail here at to help give you a safe path to Kava consumption.


What I think really happened, is that the DEA had no idea how large the Kratom industry was. They vastly underestimated the pro-Kratom movement, the number of Kratom users, as well as the size of the Kratom industry. After reading through the extraordinarily cherry-picked, and very biased notice they entered into the Federal Register, the truth becomes difficult to deny.

Combining Kava & Cannabis

Now that Cannabis is legal for recreational use in three states as of the writing of this article, it feels important to address what will undoubtedly be a continuing flood of questions regarding combining kava and cannabis (marijuana).  Customers from both Washington...


What I think really happened, is that the DEA had no idea how large the Kratom industry was. They vastly underestimated the pro-Kratom movement, the number of Kratom users, as well as the size of the Kratom industry. After reading through the extraordinarily cherry-picked, and very biased notice they entered into the Federal Register, the truth becomes difficult to deny.

Kratom May Help With Opiate Withdawal

Kratom May Help With Opiate Withdawal

Recent developments in Florida indicate that Palm Beach County officials are backing away from an outright ban on kratom and may instead implement educational initiatives to teach consumers about kratom, its effects, and its potential risks. The initiative would include warning labels on packages of kratom, partnerships with schools, and distributing information at community events and through social media.

Psychoactive Kava Blend Builder by Effect

Psychoactive Kava Blend Builder by Effect

We're amazed at an ingenious new product by Happy Kava Brand called Happy Kava Blends. They have a product builder that allows you to CHOOSE YOUR TINCTURE BY EFFECT! That's right! If you want some help easing into your meditative state, they've got a Custom Kava Blend...



What I think really happened, is that the DEA had no idea how large the Kratom industry was. They vastly underestimated the pro-Kratom movement, the number of Kratom users, as well as the size of the Kratom industry. After reading through the extraordinarily cherry-picked, and very biased notice they entered into the Federal Register, the truth becomes difficult to deny.



It turns out that the government isn't as broken as we thought, that democracy still works, and we, as a people, do have the power to have our individual voices heard! From the horse's mouth, a spokesperson for the DEA formally announced that they do not yet have a...

Kratom Scheduling – Glimmer of Hope

Kratom Scheduling – Glimmer of Hope

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness Kratom Letter There was a glimmer of hope for the absurdly unfair Emergency Scheduling of Kratom by the DEA today. If you're not up on the current status of Kratom and how it's in severe danger of being made a Schedule I substance,...

DEA Emergency Scheduling Kratom

DEA Emergency Scheduling Kratom

The unspeakable has happened; the DEA has decided that because of a fabricated public threat, that Kratom needs to be scheduled immediately. They cited 15 deaths from Kratom, yet when that number was researched, there was not a single death associated with Kratom....

Obama to Reclassify Marijuana?

Obama to Reclassify Marijuana?

Shockingly, the current Congress of the United States has offered an official response to President Barak Obama’s recent interview with David Remnick in the January 27, 2014 issue of the New Yorker (See our article entitled “President Obama for Marijuana...

Does Kava Have a Spiritual Side?

Does Kava Have a Spiritual Side?

I've spent more than half my life exploring and working with various plants.  One of my favorite plants to help me relax is one that continues to gain steam in the mainstream, but is still very much in the shadows; Kava Kava.  I've been in the Kava biz for nearly 20...

Kava Experience – Hawaiian Hiwa

Kava Experience – Hawaiian Hiwa

On a late 2015 trip to the Hawaiian Islands, I had the pleasure of experiencing a cultivar of Kava unlike any other I had experienced previously.  This variety was called Hiwa (pronounced HEE-vuh), and I had the pleasure of experiencing this incredible cultivar over a...

Kava Kava Benefits

Kava Kava Benefits

I was having difficulty finding an articles regarding Kava benefits in terms of health and nutrition, so I thought an article here would be appropriate.  What I discovered, is that since Kava lost its "food" status (called GRAS) in the early 2000's, and is only...

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