Kratom Medical Research

Kratom Medical Research
The unthinkable is happening; Kratom is being mis-categorized as a “dangerous street drug” and is being lumped in with a new generation of “synthetics” such as Bath Salts and other dangerous products such as “K2”.  It’s...

What Kratom Is and Is Not

What Kratom Is and Is Not
Kratom has recently been mis-categorized as a “synthetic” and a “synthetic street drug”.  It absolutely is not; Kratom is a 100% natural plant and herbal supplement that has been used safely for thousands of years.  There is also a growing body of clinical studies...

Why Kratom Was Banned In Thailand

Why Kratom Was Banned In Thailand
Anyone who has even a passing interest in Kratom will likely hear that it’s banned in the country it originates from; Thailand.  As always, there are a number of urban legends, rumors, and other stories, some of which are true, and some of which are complete...

Mitragyna speciosa – Kratom

Mitragyna speciosa – Kratom
FAMILY: Rubiaceae GENUS: Mitragyna SPECIES: Speciosa COMMON NAMES: Kratom, Biak, Katawn, Mabog, Mitragyne, Ithang, Kakuan, Thom Mitragyna speciosa is a tropical tree native to parts of the Southeast Asian peninsula (Thailand and Malaysia), Borneo, and New Guinea. The...