The Value and Use of Absolute Oils

The Value and Use of Absolute Oils
Chances are, you are already familiar with the concept of Essential Oils.  These are concentrated liquids containing the volatile aroma compounds extracted from plants which are usually created through steam distillation or extraction.  Essential oils can be very...

Ancient Psychoactive Incense and Preparations

Ancient Psychoactive Incense and Preparations
For millennia, humankind has lived with nature, utilizing the flora and fauna to survive. Over the centuries, through trial and error, they learned which plants were the most nutritious, healthy and beneficial, and consequently which plants possessed unique healing,...

Structure of the Nervous System

Structure of the Nervous System
When studying the many powerful entheogens that are found the world over, it is very common that one comes across information about how particular plants and chemicals effect the brain at a cellular level.  In order to fully study entheology, it is extremely important...

First LSD Study In 35 Years Treats Last Subject

First LSD Study In 35 Years Treats Last Subject
According to MAPS, on May 26, 2011, the last subject was treated in a study of LSD-assisted psychotherapy for anxiety due to life-threatening illness.  This study is the first clinical LSD study to take place in over 35 years. The study was led by psychiatrist Peter...