What Kratom Is and Is Not

What Kratom Is and Is Not
Kratom has recently been mis-categorized as a “synthetic” and a “synthetic street drug”.  It absolutely is not; Kratom is a 100% natural plant and herbal supplement that has been used safely for thousands of years.  There is also a growing body of clinical studies...

Why Kratom Was Banned In Thailand

Why Kratom Was Banned In Thailand
Anyone who has even a passing interest in Kratom will likely hear that it’s banned in the country it originates from; Thailand.  As always, there are a number of urban legends, rumors, and other stories, some of which are true, and some of which are complete...

Mitragyna speciosa – Kratom

Mitragyna speciosa – Kratom
FAMILY: Rubiaceae GENUS: Mitragyna SPECIES: Speciosa COMMON NAMES: Kratom, Biak, Katawn, Mabog, Mitragyne, Ithang, Kakuan, Thom Mitragyna speciosa is a tropical tree native to parts of the Southeast Asian peninsula (Thailand and Malaysia), Borneo, and New Guinea. The...