Transforming the Alchemists

Transforming the Alchemists
-By John Noble Wilford Historians of science are taking a new and lively interest in alchemy, the often mystical investigation into the hidden mysteries of nature that reached its heyday in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries and has been an embarrassment to modern...

Magic Mushrooms Found To Help Humans

Magic Mushrooms Found To Help Humans
-By Joy Victory, Bharathi Radhakrishnan, and Andrea Carter This may come as no surprise to the flower children of the 1960s, but in one of the few controlled human studies of a known illegal hallucinogen, the active ingredient in “sacred mushrooms” created...

Our Judeo-Christain Heritage

Our Judeo-Christain Heritage
-By Lynn Winters An Inquiry into the Ideas and Forces that Link the Thought of Our Time with our Religious Past Western culture is inextricably linked with the doctrines and practices that have come down to us today in the form of our Judaic-Christian heritage. Every...