Pandanus spiralis, spp. – Screw Tree

Pandanus spiralis, spp. – Screw Tree
FAMILY: Pandanaceae GENUS: Pandanus SPECIES: Antaresensis, Spiralis, Nepalensis, Odoratissimus, Tectorius COMMON NAMES: Screw Tree, Ketaka, Kevada, Vacoa Pandanus is a large genus of the tropics. These plants are tree-like and each plant is both male and female, with...

Datura innoxia – Toloache

Datura innoxia – Toloache
FAMILY: Solanaceae GENUS: Datura SPECIES: Innoxia COMMON NAMES: A-neg-la-kia (Mazatec), Ch’oxojilghei (Navajo, ‘crazy maker’) Dekuba (Tarahumara), Devil’s Weed, Hehe Camostim (Seri, ‘ plant that produces grimaces’), Hierba del...

Oncidium ceboletta – Hikuri Orchid

Oncidium ceboletta – Hikuri Orchid
FAMILY: Orchidaceae GENUS: Oncidium SPECIES: Cebolleta COMMON NAMES: Hikuli, Hikuri Orchid, Cebolleta Oncidium cebolleta is an epiphytic orchid that grows on trees and stone cliffs in the Tarahumara lands in Mexico. The pseudo-bulbs appear as swellings at the base of...

Synaptolepis kirkii – Uvuma-omhlope

Synaptolepis kirkii – Uvuma-omhlope
FAMILY: Thymelaeaceae GENUS: Synaptolepis SPECIES: Kirkii COMMON NAMES: Uvuma-omhlope Synaptolepis kirkii is a multi-branched shrub with dark brown, nearly black stems and blue-green spear shaped leaves.  The plant has a dark blue-green color, while the large, fibrous...

Cola acuminata, nitida – Cola Tree

Cola acuminata, nitida – Cola Tree
FAMILY: Sterculiaceae GENUS: Cola SPECIES: Acuminata, Nitida COMMON NAMES: Abata Kola, Ballay Cornu, Bese-fitaa (‘white cola’), Bese Hene (‘king’s cola’), Bese Koko (‘red cola’), Bichy Nuts, Bitter Cola, Chigban, Cola, Cola...