Corynanthe johimbe, spp. – Pamprama

Corynanthe johimbe, spp. – Pamprama
FAMILY: Rubiaceae GENUS: Corynanthe SPECIES: Johimbe, Macroceras, Pachyceras COMMON NAMES: Pamprama, Yohimbe Corynanthe johimbe is a forest tree that grows up to 28 meters in height. The leaves are paper-like and grow up to 25 cm in length.  The bark is dark green to...

Catha edulis – Khat

Catha edulis – Khat
FAMILY: Celastraceae GENUS: Catha SPECIES: Edulis COMMON NAMES: Abessinischer Tee, Abyssinian Tea, Arabian Tea, Bushman’s Tea, Cat, Chat Tree, Flower of Paradise, Jaad (Somali), Kafta (Arabic, ‘leaf’), Kat, Miraa, Muhulo (Tanzania), Muirungi (Kenya),...

Pandanus spiralis, spp. – Screw Tree

Pandanus spiralis, spp. – Screw Tree
FAMILY: Pandanaceae GENUS: Pandanus SPECIES: Antaresensis, Spiralis, Nepalensis, Odoratissimus, Tectorius COMMON NAMES: Screw Tree, Ketaka, Kevada, Vacoa Pandanus is a large genus of the tropics. These plants are tree-like and each plant is both male and female, with...

Cola acuminata, nitida – Cola Tree

Cola acuminata, nitida – Cola Tree
FAMILY: Sterculiaceae GENUS: Cola SPECIES: Acuminata, Nitida COMMON NAMES: Abata Kola, Ballay Cornu, Bese-fitaa (‘white cola’), Bese Hene (‘king’s cola’), Bese Koko (‘red cola’), Bichy Nuts, Bitter Cola, Chigban, Cola, Cola...

Nicotiana rustica – Mapucho

Nicotiana rustica – Mapucho
FAMILY: Solanaceae GENUS: Nicotiana SPECIES: Rustica COMMON NAMES: Mapucho, Andumucua (Tarascan), Aztec Tobacco, Ch’aque Khuri (Quechua), C’jama Saire (Aymara), K’ta Tobaco (Quechua), K’uru (Aymara), Makucho (Huichol),...