Erythrina berteroana – Pito Coral Tree

Erythrina berteroana – Pito Coral Tree
FAMILY: Leguminosae GENUS: Erythrina SPECIES: Berteroana COMMON NAMES: Aposhi, Chilicote, Colorin, Coral Bean, K’ante (Lacandon, ‘yellow tree’), Peonia, Pito Coral Tree, Tzinacancuahuitl (Aztec) Erythrina berteroana is a shrub-like tree that may grow...

Alchornea floribunda – Alan Root

Alchornea floribunda – Alan Root
FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae GENUS: Alchornea SPECIES: Floribunda, Cordifolia COMMON NAMES: Christmas Bush, Tekei, Agyama, Mbom, Diangba, Alan, Elando, Mulolongu, Kai, Sumara Fida, Iporuru Alchornea floribunda is a small evergreen that can grow up to 32 feet tall.  The...

Datura stramonium – Common Thorn Apple

Datura stramonium – Common Thorn Apple
FAMILY: Solanaceae GENUS: Datura SPECIES: Stramonium COMMON NAMES: Ama:y’uhc (Mixe, ‘dangerous plant’), Apple Of Peru, Chamico (Quechua), Common Thorn Apple, Concombre Zombi (Caribic, ‘zombie cucumber’), Devil’s Apple, Devil’s...

Brugmansia suaveolens – Angel’s Trumpet

Brugmansia suaveolens – Angel’s Trumpet
FAMILY: Solanaceae GENUS: Brugmansia SPECIES: Suaveolens COMMON NAMES: Ain-vai (Kofan), Angel’s Trumpet, Aromatic Angel’s Trumpet, Baikua, Canachiari (Shipibo), Chinki Tukutai Maikiua (Achuar, ‘angel’s trumpet to blow on small birds’),...

Datura discolor – Sacred Datura

Datura discolor – Sacred Datura
FAMILY: Solanaceae GENUS: Datura SPECIES: Discolor COMMON NAMES: A’neglakya, Desert Datura, Hehe Camostim, Heilige Datura, Holy Datura of the Zuni, Malykatu (Mohave), Sacred Thornapple, Thomas’ Thornapple, Toloache Datura discolor is a bushy herb with dark...