Lycoperdon mixtecorum – Bovista

Lycoperdon mixtecorum – Bovista
FAMILY: Lycoperdaceae GENUS: Lycoperdon SPECIES: Mixtecorum COMMON NAMES: Bovista, Lycoperdon Bovista, Puffballs, Bolita (‘little ball), Pata de Perro (‘dog’s paw’), Pedo del Diablo (‘fart of the devil’), Hongo Adivinador...

Mandragora officinarum – Mandrake

Mandragora officinarum – Mandrake
FAMILY: SolanaceaeGENUS: Mandragora SPECIES: Officinarum COMMON NAMES: Abu’l-ruh (Old Arabic, “master of the life breath”), Adamova Golowa (Russian, “Adam’s head”), Alrauinwortel (Dutch), Alrune (Swedish), Antimelon (“In The...

Maquira sclerophylia – Rapa dos Indios

Maquira sclerophylia – Rapa dos Indios
FAMILY: Moraceae GENUS: Maquira SPECIES: Sclerophylia COMMON NAMES: Rapa dos Indios (‘Indian Snuff’) Maquira sclerophylia is an enormous forest tree that can grow up to thirty meters in height. The leaves are thick and heavy, ovate and marginally inrolled...

Melissa officinalis – Lemon Balm

Melissa officinalis – Lemon Balm
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint) GENUS: Melissa SPECIES: Officinalis COMMON NAMES: Balm, Balm Mint, Bee Balm, Blue Balm, Cytria, Erva Cidrera, Garden Balm, Hashishat al Nahil, Honey Plant, Kovanutu, Lemon Balm, Nd, Ogulotu, Seiyo-Yama-Hakka, Sweet Balm, Toronjil, Tronjon...

Mimosa hostilis – Jurema Tree

Mimosa hostilis – Jurema Tree
FAMILY: Leguminosae GENUS: Mimosa SPECIES: Hostilis, Tenuiflora COMMON NAMES: Jurema Tree, Tepescohuite, Cabrero (‘goatherd’), Carbon (‘charcoal’) The Mimosa hostilis plant is a bushy tree that can grow up to 8 meters in height. It has short,...

Mitragyna speciosa – Kratom

Mitragyna speciosa – Kratom
FAMILY: Rubiaceae GENUS: Mitragyna SPECIES: Speciosa COMMON NAMES: Kratom, Biak, Katawn, Mabog, Mitragyne, Ithang, Kakuan, Thom Mitragyna speciosa is a tropical tree native to parts of the Southeast Asian peninsula (Thailand and Malaysia), Borneo, and New Guinea. The...