Coffea arabica – Coffee Bush

Coffea arabica – Coffee Bush
FAMILY: Rubiaceae GENUS: Coffea SPECIES: Arabica COMMON NAMES: Arabian Coffee, Bergkaffee, Bun (Yemen), Buna (‘wine’), Chia-fei (Chinese), Coffee, Coffee Bush, Kahawa (Swahili), Qahwa (Arabic, ‘wine’) Coffea arabica is a perennial that can grow...

Cola acuminata, nitida – Cola Tree

Cola acuminata, nitida – Cola Tree
FAMILY: Sterculiaceae GENUS: Cola SPECIES: Acuminata, Nitida COMMON NAMES: Abata Kola, Ballay Cornu, Bese-fitaa (‘white cola’), Bese Hene (‘king’s cola’), Bese Koko (‘red cola’), Bichy Nuts, Bitter Cola, Chigban, Cola, Cola...

Coleus blumei – Painted Nettle

Coleus blumei – Painted Nettle
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family) GENUS: Coleus SPECIES: Blumei COMMON NAMES: Buntblatt, Buntnessel, Coleus Scutellaires, El Ahijado, El Nene, Flame Nettle, Manto de la Virgen, Painted Nettle, Patharcheer. This annual plant is well known amongst horticulturists and...

Conocybe siligineoides – Cone Caps

Conocybe siligineoides – Cone Caps
FAMILY: Agaricaceae GENUS: Conocybe SPECIES: Siligineoides COMMON NAMES: Cone Caps, Ya’nte, Ta’a’ya, Tamu (‘Mushrooms of Awareness’) Members of the genus Conocybe are thin, small mushrooms that are pale orange-red in color and have conic...

Corynanthe johimbe, spp. – Pamprama

Corynanthe johimbe, spp. – Pamprama
FAMILY: Rubiaceae GENUS: Corynanthe SPECIES: Johimbe, Macroceras, Pachyceras COMMON NAMES: Pamprama, Yohimbe Corynanthe johimbe is a forest tree that grows up to 28 meters in height. The leaves are paper-like and grow up to 25 cm in length.  The bark is dark green to...

Coryphantha compacta – Pincushion Cactus

Coryphantha compacta – Pincushion Cactus
FAMILY: Cactaceae GENUS: Coryphantha SPECIES: Compacta COMMON NAMES: Bakanawa, Pincushion Cactus, Biznaga de Pina, Huevos de Coyote (Spanish, ‘the eggs of the coyote’), Wichuri, Santa Poli Coryphantha compacta is a spherical cactus with a diameter of up to...