What I think really happened, is that the DEA had no idea how large the Kratom industry was. They vastly underestimated the pro-Kratom movement, the number of Kratom users, as well as the size of the Kratom industry. After reading through the extraordinarily cherry-picked, and very biased notice they entered into the Federal Register, the truth becomes difficult to deny.

Combining Kava & Cannabis

Now that Cannabis is legal for recreational use in three states as of the writing of this article, it feels important to address what will undoubtedly be a continuing flood of questions regarding combining kava and cannabis (marijuana).  Customers from both Washington...

Scientifically-Proven Religious Experiences?

Practically blasphemy to mainstream religions, world governments, and the mainstream population is the idea that psychedelics could have the undeniably and scientifically-measurable effect of inducing religious experiences.

Kava Kava Dosage Guide

What is a usual and safe Kava Kava dosage? We answer that question in detail here at to help give you a safe path to Kava consumption.

Drugs: More Than Chemical Reactions

The growing body of evidence (albeit circumstantial) that points to what I feel is the most profound aspect of how science itself is revealing an inescapable fact: Mystical experiences, whether naturally or chemically induced, have tangible effects that reach far beyond temporary chemical reactions acting on our neural pathways through the bombardment or deprivation of normal channels of communication within the brain and central nervous system.

Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells

Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells

The findings were published in the April 2009 issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation. The study showed, conclusively, that THC (the active alkaloid in Cannabis) caused brain cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy. This process causes cells to feed upon themselves, thereby destroying them, and not only did researchers witness this process, the specific route by which the autophagy process unfolds was isolated as well.

Healing and Regenerative Effects of Ayahuasca

Healing and Regenerative Effects of Ayahuasca

Previously I paid little attention to the coca leaf readings, but then dona Lucy nailed a piece of improbable and very specific information, and I have listened more carefully since. Will a medicine hunter TV show happen this year? What about the maca business? What else does she see?

Marc Emery, Canada’s Prince of Pot

Marc Emery, Canada’s Prince of Pot

In November 2002, Cannabis Culture publisher Marc Emery completed his second run for Mayor of Vancouver, Canada’s West Coast cannabis capital. The renowned pot seed merchant placed fifth on the crowded ballot, participating in all major debates and campaigning under the banner of the Vancouver Marijuana Party.

Might the Gods be Alkaloids?

Might the Gods be Alkaloids?

The experience brought about by this sacrament is similar in nature only to that of triptaminics. Lastly, we will describe the entheogenous experience as a paradigm for a new awareness, centered in the true Self. II – A Brief Theology of Entheogens. We shall begin this chapter by going back 3 million years in time, when human beings, standing out from other superior primates, began their slow evolution towards self-awareness.

Absinthe – Green Fairy

Absinthe – Green Fairy

In celebration of the lifting of the almost 100-year ban on absinthe, what follows is an overview of the elixir’s history. We will share recipes with you, as well as the best places we have found to purchase ready-made absinthe, as well as kits and ingredients for making your own!

US Leads World in Substance Abuse, WHO Finds

US Leads World in Substance Abuse, WHO Finds

The United States leads the world in rates of experimenting with marijuana and cocaine despite strict drug laws, World Health Organization researchers said on Tuesday. Countries with looser drug laws have lower rates of abuse, the researchers report in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS Medicine.

Low-Dose Psilocybin Brings Relief To Cluster-Headache Sufferers

Low-Dose Psilocybin Brings Relief To Cluster-Headache Sufferers

“I was always viewed as a drama queen, like I couldn’t handle pain. It’s just a headache, that’s what a lot of people thought,” says Wiseman, a substitute teacher from Los Lunas. “Then I had a brain hemorrhage. That was a whole different kind of pain, but I handled it. I don’t think I ever cried when the aneurysm burst. But a cluster headache can have me rolling on the floor in tears.”

Incense May Relieve Depression and Anxiety Naturally

Incense May Relieve Depression and Anxiety Naturally

If you think burning incense is just for certain religions or old hippies, it might be time to take a new look. Myriad religious traditions have held to the notion that burning frankincense incense (made out of resin from the Boswellia plant) is good for the soul and now a new study says it apparently is good for the brain.

Blood is Thicker Than Friends

Blood is Thicker Than Friends

“WONDERFUL” is how interim Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama described his recent visit to Vanuatu. Although he had transitted through Vanuatu twice before, this was his first visit there. He was in Vanuatu to attend the 17th Melanesian Spearhead Group Leaders Summit last week.

Brazil Appeals Court Rules Drug Possession Not a Crime

Brazil Appeals Court Rules Drug Possession Not a Crime

At the end of March, a Brazilian appeals court in São Paulo declared that possession of drugs for personal use is not a criminal offense. Several lower courts had previously ruled in the same way, but the ruling from the São Paulo Justice Court’s 6th Criminal Chamber marked the first time an appeals court there had found Brazil’s drug law unconstitutional as it pertains to simple drug possession.

How the Internet Fuels the Global Psychedelic Community

How the Internet Fuels the Global Psychedelic Community

This year and the next, the United Nations will evaluate the War on Drugs. Since its official start in 1998 we have been bombed with official statistics on drug use, drug addiction, drug trafficking, street prices, courtcases and all the like. But what does this information tell us? Drugs are bad, drugs are expensive, drugs are addictive, drugs equal crime.

The Shroom Tragedy

The Shroom Tragedy

A 17-year-old French girl comes to Amsterdam on a class field trip. Along with some of her classmates she goes into a so-called smart shop, where she buys and later consumes some psilocybin mushrooms. Next thing we know, she jumps to her death from a bridge. The autopsy shows she had made a suicide attempt before.

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