Kava Kava Dosage Guide

What is a usual and safe Kava Kava dosage? We answer that question in detail here at Entheology.com to help give you a safe path to Kava consumption.

Combining Kava & Cannabis

Now that Cannabis is legal for recreational use in three states as of the writing of this article, it feels important to address what will undoubtedly be a continuing flood of questions regarding combining kava and cannabis (marijuana).  Customers from both Washington...

Scientifically-Proven Religious Experiences?

Practically blasphemy to mainstream religions, world governments, and the mainstream population is the idea that psychedelics could have the undeniably and scientifically-measurable effect of inducing religious experiences.


What I think really happened, is that the DEA had no idea how large the Kratom industry was. They vastly underestimated the pro-Kratom movement, the number of Kratom users, as well as the size of the Kratom industry. After reading through the extraordinarily cherry-picked, and very biased notice they entered into the Federal Register, the truth becomes difficult to deny.

Drugs: More Than Chemical Reactions

The growing body of evidence (albeit circumstantial) that points to what I feel is the most profound aspect of how science itself is revealing an inescapable fact: Mystical experiences, whether naturally or chemically induced, have tangible effects that reach far beyond temporary chemical reactions acting on our neural pathways through the bombardment or deprivation of normal channels of communication within the brain and central nervous system.

Prince Charles Hopeful of End to Kava Ban

Prince Charles Hopeful of End to Kava Ban

Prince Charles is hopeful that the export ban on Fiji’s traditional drink will be lifted in the near future. This was relayed by Foreign Affairs Minister Kaliopate Tavola after a brief conversation with the Prince of Wales on Thursday. “It is good to see that he is well versed with what’s happening in our country and he is obviously concerned about the ban in the United States of America.”

Marijuana, Alcohol and Actual Driving Performance

U.S. Department of TransportationNational Traffic Safety AdministrationDOT HS 808 939Marijuana, Alcohol and Actual Driving PerformanceJuly 1999 This document is available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. This...

Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality

Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality

Amanita muscaria or the Fly Agaric is not a well-known mushroom based on its scientific name or common name. Yet, the picture on the left, of this mushroom, will probably be familiar to the reader. In recent time, it is the mushroom that has been adopted as the “prototype” mushroom in western cultures. Its image can be seen in Christmas and greeting cards, children’s stories, science fiction and fantasy illustrations, and in mushroom models.

UDV Wins Ayahuasca Case

UDV Wins Ayahuasca Case

At 1:44 pm Eastern Standard Time today, December 10th 2004, the entire Supreme Court of The United States convened and determined to deny the Department of Justice’s request for that Court’s further intervention in the UDV’s legal case. The stay that Justice Breyer had temporarily granted on December 1st is now vacated (lifted). The UDV, under Protective Order from the Federal District Court of New Mexico, (twice affirmed by the United States Court of Appeals) will now be free to practice our religion in this country.

The Supremes Debate Medical Marijuana

The Supremes Debate Medical Marijuana

Raich, who has dark hair, pale olive skin and rimless oval glasses, is reed-thin – she struggles to keep her weight over 98 pounds. And no wonder she’s thin; the 39-year-old Oakland, Calif. woman suffers from scoliosis, endometriosis, severe headaches, chronic nausea, unexplained seizures and episodes of paralysis, uterine fibroid tumors, a brain tumor too deep in her head to be removed, and a mysterious wasting syndrome where she loses life-threatening amounts of weight.

Kona Kava Farm Loves Organic

Kona Kava Farm Loves Organic

Kona Kava Farm in Hawaii has been organically certified and has greatly expanded their product line with some unique Kava Kava products that the market has never seen before. With the recent lift of the ban by the FDA, and FDA approval for their farm and manufacturing facility, they have been developing unique products such as cordials, instant Kava drinks (not only do they have a micronized instant kava drink that takes all the mess and frustration out of making a kava drink, they actually taste quite good as well), kava concentrates, as well as an entire line of vegan chocolate products, which they use in their unique kava products as well.

Utah High Court OKs Non-Indian Peyote Use

Utah High Court OKs Non-Indian Peyote Use

The Utah Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that non-American Indian members of the Native American Church can use peyote in religious ceremonies. In a unanimous decision, the court found in favor of a couple charged in 2000 with drug distribution for providing peyote to members and visitors at their church in Benjamin, about 50 miles southwest of Salt Lake City.

Vatican Combats Threat of ‘Alternative’ Religions

Vatican Combats Threat of ‘Alternative’ Religions

Catholics from more than 25 countries are in Rome this week to hammer out a strategy for combating the threat posed to Christianity by “New Age” religions and fads. “Astrologers believe that the Age of Pisces – known to them as the Christian age – is drawing to a close,” explained an exhaustive report on the New Age produced by the Catholic church last year.

Cannabis Use Not Linked with Psychosocial Harm

Cannabis Use Not Linked with Psychosocial Harm

Currently, there is no strong evidence that use of cannabis of itself causes psychological or social problems,” such as mental illness or school failure, lead study author Dr. John Macleod of the University of Birmingham in the UK told Reuters Health. There is a great deal of evidence that cannabis use is associated with these things, but this association could have several explanations,”

Links Related to Freedom of Religion

Links Related to Freedom of Religion

The principle of freedom of religion supports the freedom of individuals to practice any religion or belief with any form of practice, worship and observation that belief takes. The concept is also generally thought to include the freedom of individuals to change religion or to not follow any religion. The ability to leave or stop religious observations in a religious group is another fundamental aspect of religious freedom.

Indonesian Forests on Borrowed Time

Indonesian Forests on Borrowed Time

Conservationists say the rate at which Indonesia is losing its forests has doubled since the 1980s. They say the lowland forests, the richest in the country, will not survive for long on some of the biggest islands. They blame corruption for driving “an epidemic of illegal logging”.

Court Overturns DEA’s Ban on Hemp Foods

Court Overturns DEA’s Ban on Hemp Foods

In 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the DEA could not prohibit food companies from using nutritious hemp in their products, even though hemp plants naturally contain trace amounts of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive substance in its close relative marijuana. It was a major victory not only for the Hemp Industries Association and advocates of hemp foods, but also against the DEA’s ongoing efforts to totally ban marijuana and all related sources of THC.

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