Salvia divinorum – Diviner’s Sage

Salvia divinorum – Diviner’s Sage
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint) GENUS: Salvia SPECIES: Divinorum COMMON NAMES: Diviner’s Sage, Hierba de la Pastora (Herb of the Shepherdess), Hierba de la Virgen (Herb of the Virgin), Hierba Maria (Mary’s Herb), Hoja de la Pastora (Leaves of the Shepherdess), Lady Salvia,...

The Land of the Lotus Smokers

The Land of the Lotus Smokers
-By Tao Jones When I was in school and we were studying the classics of literature, one of the authors we studied was Homer, who is thought to have been responsible for such famous works as the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Odyssey deals with the attempts of a group of...

The Drug War Is The Inquisition

The Drug War Is The Inquisition
-By Dan Russell The shamanic state, the state of spirit-possession, often induced by sacred herbs, is often encyclopedic – super-conscious, not subconscious. That’s why many shamans demonstrate uncanny memory.  We know that The Odyssey and The Iliad were...

Botanical Jewelry

Botanical Jewelry
-By W. P. Armstrong 1. Introduction Humans have been decorating their bodies with the beauty of natural objects for thousands of years. Primitive man wore necklaces made from the bones, claws and teeth of slain animals. Today most people think of natural jewelry as...