Conocybe siligineoides – Cone Caps

Conocybe siligineoides – Cone Caps
FAMILY: Agaricaceae GENUS: Conocybe SPECIES: Siligineoides COMMON NAMES: Cone Caps, Ya’nte, Ta’a’ya, Tamu (‘Mushrooms of Awareness’) Members of the genus Conocybe are thin, small mushrooms that are pale orange-red in color and have conic...

Coleus blumei – Painted Nettle

Coleus blumei – Painted Nettle
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Mint Family) GENUS: Coleus SPECIES: Blumei COMMON NAMES: Buntblatt, Buntnessel, Coleus Scutellaires, El Ahijado, El Nene, Flame Nettle, Manto de la Virgen, Painted Nettle, Patharcheer. This annual plant is well known amongst horticulturists and...

Lycoperdon mixtecorum – Bovista

Lycoperdon mixtecorum – Bovista
FAMILY: Lycoperdaceae GENUS: Lycoperdon SPECIES: Mixtecorum COMMON NAMES: Bovista, Lycoperdon Bovista, Puffballs, Bolita (‘little ball), Pata de Perro (‘dog’s paw’), Pedo del Diablo (‘fart of the devil’), Hongo Adivinador...

Lily And Lotus

Lily And Lotus
-By Tao Jones I am going to touch in this article on the botanical side of the plants in question and also delve into the metaphysical aspects of their use. All quotations are from “Transcultural Use of Narcotic Water Lilies in Ancient Egyptian and Maya Drug Ritual”...

Papaver somniferum – Opium Poppy

Papaver somniferum – Opium Poppy
FAMILY: Papaveraceae GENUS: Papaver SPECIES: Somniferum COMMON NAMES: Opium Poppy, Aguna (Lithuanian), Biligasgase (Kannada), Black Poppy, Guia-guina (Zapotec), Koknar (Persian), Madi-huada (Mapuche, ‘lovely gourd’), Maggona (Estonian), Mak (Slavic),...